Day: December 2, 2021

  • Investigation Into Crime Scene

    A famous example is: “All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal.The formulated theory is tested by analyzing the evidence on the spot using complete documentation and forensic science. It is clear that the reconstruction of the crime scene analyzes more than physical evidence when trying to determine what might have…

  • Advantages Of Installing Infrared Heating Panels

    If you are interested in an infrared heater, please consult our buyer guide and the best options here . Infrared heating technology is relatively modern, but has become extremely popular in a short time. When the infrared heater is switched on, infrared rays are emitted from the heater and then travel through the air until…

  • Investigation Of Arson And Scenes

    The Sirchie Arson Scene Toolkit provides the essential basic tools for any fire investigator to conduct their fire investigation. The complete toolkit is packed in a sturdy metal box and includes tools for electric or manual drilling, along with cutting and chiselling tools that allow the extraction of evidence. Average annual salary for fire inspectors…

  • How To Invest In Shares

    It can be difficult to diversify when you invest strictly in stocks, especially if you don’t start with a lot of capital. Asset allocation means that your investment portfolio is divided into different asset classes, such as shares, bonds and cash. An easy way to distribute your investments across different asset classes is to invest…